Choosing The Right Pressure Washer Nozzle

Choosing the right pressure washing nozzle is essential for having your equipment run at peak performance. Nozzles come in various shapes and sizes and fan patterns and have many uses. We’ll discuss in this article the different nozzles and how to determine what the best size is for your pressure washer.
Understanding Nozzle Sizing:
The most common misconception about pressure washing nozzles is that “one size fits all”. Or that the Gallons Per Minute (GPM) needs to match the orifice size of the nozzle. Neither premise is true. Nozzle sizes are based on a formula that considers your PSI and the GPM of your unit. So how do you determine what size nozzle will work best with your unit?
The fastest way to determine the size you need is just a quick internet search for a “pressure washer nozzle chart”. That search will pull up a bunch of charts that will help you determine what size you need. The way to read the chart is to scan across the top of the chart for your pressure and then scan down in the chart for your gallons per minute. Once you find the GPM scan left on that row to the recommended nozzle size. That is the size you will need. If your GPM is not the exact number on the chart then you can go with the one higher or lower. If you go to the high number you will maximize your GPM. If you go to the lower number you will maximize your pressure. We have also provided on our site a tip chart where you can put in your GPM and psi and the table will give you the recommended nozzle size.
Nozzle Colors And Degrees:
The first and most common pressure wash nozzle is the color-coded quick-connect nozzle. Most units sold on the market will come with a set of 4-5 different nozzles based on the pressure and gallons per minute of your unit. The common colors are red, yellow, green, white, and black. Each nozzle is used for a certain purpose.
Red 0 Degree Nozzle- The zero degree nozzle is the most potent and dangerous nozzle you can use. It is designed to knock away stubborn debris that is hard to remove. The water is concentrated coming out of the red nozzle and can be very dangerous. It can also be used as a rinse down tool when you need to shoot the stream of water a little high.
Yellow 15 Degree Nozzle- The 15 degree nozzle is a versatile tip that is used when you need impact to remove tough stains. It is perfect for removing dirt and grime and getting into those tight spaces.
Green 25 Degree Nozzle- The 25 degree nozzle is used for cleaning dirt and grime on concrete, wood and other surfaces. It is safer on wood because it is less concentrated than the 0 or 15 degree nozzle. Since the fan pattern is spread out a little more it is safer to get a little closer when cleaning.
White 40 Degree Nozzle- The 40 degree nozzle is used use for cleaning dirt and grime but is much safer on wood and softer surfaces. Its fan is also spread out a little more so you can get closer to what you are cleaner and can cut wider cleaning paths.
Black Soap Nozzle- The soap nozzle is used to spray chemical and to rinse under low pressure. It is mainly used in conjunction with the chemical injector to lower the pressure and suction chemical. It can also be use to rinse down houses, cars and other items where higher pressure is not necessary.
Types Of Nozzles:
There are many different types of nozzles on the market for pressure washers. All of them serve some purpose. We’ll take a look at the most popular ones sold today and what they are used for.
- Color-Coded Nozzles- As mentioned above the color-coded nozzle is the most common type of nozzle on the market. They will usually range from a size 2.0 to a 9.5 nozzle. The most common come is 1/2 size increments. So you will have 2.0, 2.5. 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, etc. all the way up to 9.5. There are a few odd sizes out there like 2.7 or 2.9 but they are few and far between. Once you get past the 9.5 you will usually need to go to the MEG nozzle.
- MEG Nozzles- The MEG nozzle is used in many areas of pressure washers. The most common is with surface cleaners or with nozzle holders. They will come in 1/8″ and 1/4″ sizes- 1/4″ being the most common. We sell MEG nozzles from a size 1.0 to a size 60.0.
- Turbo Nozzles- Also called rotating nozzles, the turbo nozzle is one of the most powerful nozzles on the market. What they are designed to do is to give you the power of a 0-degree nozzle spread out at a 25-degree fan pattern. Depending on the manufacturer turbo nozzle patterns come in many shapes and patterns but they all do one thing well- remove dirt, grime, and heavy deposits that other tips struggle with. When purchasing a turbo nozzle you will notice one thing. They are pricey. So look to see if they have a rebuild kit for them. And just because some are higher priced does not mean they are better.
- Shooter Nozzles- Shooter nozzles have been out for years but have just come into prominence in the SoftWash era. There are quite a few manufacturers out there and the quality will vary. Most mfg produce 3 to 4 sizes to fit all the different GPM’s out there. They work well downstream as well as with “roof pumps” and electric soft wash pumps. They usually come in sizes that follow the tip chart.
- Sewer Jetting Nozzles- Jetting nozzles are used mainly in plumbing and pipe cleaning. They are used extensively in the jetting industry and the most common sizes are from 1/4″ to 1/2″. Tips will vary but most will have a forward-facing jet and rear jets that propel the nozzle forward while cleaning.
- Chemical Injector Nozzles- We included this in our list because it is a very important part of the pressure washing industry. The most prominent brand of injectors is X-Jet. In the market for over 30 years, the X-Jet is the go-to nozzle for spraying chemicals high and concentrated. They have numerous sizes for every GPM and their customer service is top-notch. There are a few others out there like Simpson’s acid injector. Be careful, though, when purchasing one because they are not all the same. Some units on the market do not shoot stronger concentrations.
So as you can see there are many different types of nozzles out there. The main takeaway is to do your research before purchasing, and when buying pressure washer tips make sure that you match the GPM and pressure up to the right nozzle size or your cleaning efficiency could go down. Not to mention that under-sizing nozzles can cause equipment issues and premature wearing.
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